I usually have a theme and a quote for my yoga classes. Sometimes deep, sometimes light, often humorous, but always food for thought. I used this quote recently’ “One day or Day ONE, your choice”, and it has been stuck in my brain ever since.
In my work as a yoga instructor and as a holistic nutritionist, I often meet clients who are going through significant life events, and are searching for what is next for them. On my intake form for my nutrition work is a section on stress which asks people what they perceive as stressors in their lives and what rank they would give them out of ten. Often one that stands out to me is “Unfulfilled expectations” and it is ranked high more often with my older clients, retired and in their 50s or 60s. Life didn’t turn out as they had planned, hoped for, or expected. This is not a surprise as we often go down a different path or paths as we journey through life, and end up in a completely different place than we could have imagined. I think it is all in how we look at what happened to us, how we perceive it, and how we proceed in light of the unexpected. Humans have the capacity to adapt to change or to resist. But it is ultimately a choice of how we decide to think about the situation which determines what direction we take. One day or day one, your choice… do we dream about one daydoing something but never making the move to possibly attain that dream, or change the situation? Or do we see day oneas the start of our adventure? Is it going to be one day or day one? Change is difficult for many of us, but if you view it in this way, perhaps it could be day one. Your choice… Charlotte Crowley [email protected] www.healthywisdom.ca
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